Package org.cb.cardboard

A package containing (supposedly) generic classes and interfaces for cardboard games implementations.


Interface Summary
BoardCardRenderer Interface to a renderer of a card of a board.
BoardSelectionListener An interface that all Board selection listeners must implement.
BoardSelectionModel The listener that's notified when a board selection value changes.
Card Tag for a card.
CardBoardEvent.BoardIndexes A supertype tag for the different indexes implementation.
CardBoardModel This interface defines the methods components like JCardBoard use to get the value of each card in a board and the length of the list.
CardBoardModelListener An interface that all CardBoardModel listeners must implement.
JCardBoard A tagging interface that graphical card board should implement.

Class Summary
AbstractCardBoardModel Abstract CardBoardModel implementation.
BoardSelectionEvent An event that characterizes a change in the current selection.
CardBoardEvent An event for a CardBoard.
CardBoardEvent.IndexInterval A class that allows to specify BoardIndexes as an interval between two indexes.
CardBoardEvent.IndexList A class that allows to specify BoardIndexes as a list of indexes.
CardBoardUI The JCardBoard pluggable look and feel delegate.
DefaultBoardSelectionModel Default data model for board selections.

Package org.cb.cardboard Description

A package containing (supposedly) generic classes and interfaces for cardboard games implementations.

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