Uses of Class

Packages that use CardBoardEvent
org.cb.cardboard A package containing (supposedly) generic classes and interfaces for cardboard games implementations. 

Uses of CardBoardEvent in org.cb.cardboard

Methods in org.cb.cardboard with parameters of type CardBoardEvent
protected  void AbstractCardBoardModel.fireContentsChanged(CardBoardEvent event)
          Fire the specified contents changed event
protected  void AbstractCardBoardModel.fireIntervalAdded(CardBoardEvent event)
          Fire the specified interval added event
protected  void AbstractCardBoardModel.fireIntervalRemoved(CardBoardEvent event)
          Fire the specified interval removed event
 void CardBoardModelListener.intervalAdded(CardBoardEvent e)
          Sent after the indices in the index0,index1 interval have been inserted in the data model.
 void CardBoardModelListener.intervalRemoved(CardBoardEvent e)
          Sent after the indices in the index0,index1 interval have been removed from the data model.
 void CardBoardModelListener.contentsChanged(CardBoardEvent e)
          Sent when the contents of the board has changed in a way that's too complex to characterize with the previous methods.

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