Release History

0.20 15 Apr 20041st public release. Maven build + java webstart client + code cleanups.
0.10 01 Apr 2004Non public source release

Release 0.20 - 15 Apr 2004

add Filled up the xdocs/tasks.xml from the now obsolete TODO.txt. jerome
add Added build version to Client's Frame title. Took a screenshot. jerome
add Introduced maven as the new default build system. jerome
add Created a logo, and made site documentation use it as well as point to coffeebreaks logo. jerome
add Introduced a simple webstart version of the game. jerome
add Introduced a very simple manual, in the form of a graphical explanation of what a set is. Also contains links to the official SetGame company. jerome
add Allowed user to cancel the confi rm the closing of the client window. Also made the UI close the wrapped game, without having to use CTRL+C. jerome
fix Removed non ascii characters from LICENSE.txt so that maven does not complain. jerome
fix Fix xdocs/navigation.xml to point to the correct project page. jerome
fix Cleanups in code and javadoc, to make checkstyle happier (from 2354 to 341). jerome
fix Fixed 2/3 of the findbugs warnings/errors, including many serialization issues. jerome
fix Fixed a non triggered copy/paste bug in org.cb.cardboard.AbstractCardBoardModel.remoteBoardDataListener(). jerome
fix Make sure project.xml developer name matches repository user id, so that developer activity and changes reports are correctly generated. jerome
fix Improve error handling in JSetGameServer. jerome
fix Applied new naming conventions on interfaces. Removed the trailing IF and tried to avoid using 2 identical name in the code. jerome

Release 0.10 - 01 Apr 2004

add First working version of the game. Game works locally and on the network. Basic UI available jerome