Task Categories

0.30 release Focus usability and core infrastructure.
Known issues Known issues
Missing Features Missing features
Improvements Possible improvements
Build Build related issues
Dist Distribution related issues
Documentation Documentation related issues
Misc Miscellaneous unsorted tasks

Tasks : 0.30 release

CreatorAssigned toTaskStart DateEnd DateEffortStatus
jerome jerome Plan the different play modes. Will rename local game into standalone/solitaire, multi-player game, etc... Define the plan for these modes, i.e. how the user can interact with the game. Etc... New
jerome jerome Feature: Disable UI where appropriate when playing New
jerome jerome Feature: Game scoring New
jerome jerome Maven: create a Debian package. Check maven-debian-plugin New
jerome jerome Maven: Find out how to generate the PDF New
jerome jerome Dist: Decrease the size of the webstart application. Cutting down log4j might help. Wasn't there a log4j light version? New

Tasks : Known issues

CreatorAssigned toTaskStart DateEnd DateEffortStatus
jerome possible thread bug in client UI. Have to be identified. New
jerome various small not so clean endings for client UI New
jerome Webstart application is not correctly signed. Generates warning. New

Tasks : Missing Features

CreatorAssigned toTaskStart DateEnd DateEffortStatus
jerome standalone mode needs to accept better user control (e.g. 3 min delay for server to spit new cards cannot be currently forced) New
jerome Feedback to user upon matching failure success New
jerome User view. Contains scores, note about blocked clients, ... Might be done in a left pane. New
jerome Play mode against machine. New
jerome Learning play mode (with hints when one selects two cards out of a set) New
jerome Persisting game configurations New
jerome Team playing New
jerome Game invitation New
jerome Multi game play (several in a row) New
jerome Make sure that clients are notified of somebody being blocked. New

Tasks : Improvements

CreatorAssigned toTaskStart DateEnd DateEffortStatus
jerome Webstart config file currently requires to be modified to be deployed in test environment (my laptop). Find a nice way to fix that. New
jerome Check if blocking/unblocking should really be implemented using events and the GameConnectionIF should be aware of it. New
jerome Implement cleaner event notifications, in particular game end and close() in networked game New
jerome Check network traffic. E.g. see if lightweight approach for CardProperties (aka just a number) would be interesting. New
jerome Clean-up selection model New

Tasks : Build

CreatorAssigned toTaskStart DateEnd DateEffortStatus
jerome Maven: make it so that dist-bin generates a correct playable package, locally and remotely New
jerome Make checkstyle config (still 341 errors) New
jerome Maven: find out about rsync integration for deployment. New

Tasks : Dist

CreatorAssigned toTaskStart DateEnd DateEffortStatus

Tasks : Documentation

CreatorAssigned toTaskStart DateEnd DateEffortStatus
jerome Create Java Help documentation New
jerome Traduction of documentation in French, Spanish New

Tasks : Misc

CreatorAssigned toTaskStart DateEnd DateEffortStatus
jerome SVN: make a public repository New
jerome issue tracking? If so, see if a maven task can be done. New